Sunday, March 4, 2012

Febuary 27, 2012

Hola familia y amigos!
Well this week is my official 6th month mark. I can´t believe I´m 1/4 of the way done with my mission. It´s kind of sad. I can´t believe how quick it is going by. How do I get it to slow down??! This week was full of activities. So... where to start..

Well this week I finally got my custom handmade scripture covers. They are sweet. Two brothers here in Chile have a leather drawing company and they sell scripture covers to the missionaries. I sent pictures so you guys could see them. I really liked them. 

I have had a headache/migraine for the past month and a half. It really has started to be frustrating. I don´t know what´s causing it. I just feel stressed and tired all the time. I finally talked to my district leader and he went and bought some Excedrin (Chilean brand though). It had 100mg of caffeine and my companion told me I was breaking the Word of Wisdom and he was dead serious. I just kinda let it go.

We are starting to get along a lot better. We have some disagreements and stuff but we just have to get back to work. He still does a couple things that really bother me. While doing contacts... He´ll just start to poke me with his pen CONSTANTLY! During lessons he kicks me or nudges me or something when he wants me to say something. He always has to sit right next to me so that he can nudge me. I´ve started moving just out of reach where it would be obvious of him kicking me or nudging me. It really bugs me because I´ve been here long enough in the mission that I know when and when not to talk. We had a lesson with a recent convert and she hadn´t had a real strong testimony and he basically fought with her and kind of yelled at her. I felt like it was the wrong approach. I´m still confused at the way he does stuff.

We found out the reason we didn´t have lunch this week... The other two elders that are here are always at members houses eating or just chilling. When we do have lunch one of the other elders eats a ton and I guess nobody wants to give us lunch now. Luckily we have investigators that invite us to eat at their house. The other elders ate at the house this whole week. I felt bad but then again they don´t teach lessons instead they go to members houses to eat and chill.

I finally got enough courage on one of the nights we weren´t fighting to ask what happened to his dad. I learned a lot about him that night. He told me that his dad was a poor farmer and had just started to have some success and make some money. His dad was at a bar and a guy that had gotten jealous told him to buy him a drink in a snoody way and his dad bought him one and left. As he was leaving the guy pulled a pistol out and shot him in the back twice. This made me kind of realize why my companion does some of the stuff he does. I knew his dad had died but I didn´t know he was murdered. His grandparents (the dad of his dad) were rough people. My companion told me they were into drug smuggling. He told me the brother of his dad ended up finding the guy that killed him and shot him. He also told me his best friend that lived next door was also shot and murdered. He told me at at the hospital the police wouldn´t do anything and were laughing and joking at the hospital when his friend died. There was quite a long story with all this so this just sums it up. I then realized a lot about my companion. I´m now slower to anger when he does something. I feel really bad for him.

While doing contacts one day we found one lady that was a complete jerk. She asked us why we weren´t serving in our own countries. She then went on to say that the U.S. has enough problems and should be preaching to them. It kinda made me mad. The next house over was an orphanage of about 7 little kids from 8 to about 14. We ended up teaching them and giving them a couple folletos and a couple pass along cards. I ended up getting a random hug from one of the little kids. It was really funny. We also learned that there are a lot of gays in Linares. We were riding to lunch and a guy yelled ¨buenas bombones¨ Which means nice buns. It freaked us out. The members in the church heard about it and now when they see us that say it. We also had a handicap girl kiss me and my companion. She was bigger than me and basically grabbed me and kissed my cheek. My companion was laughing at me until she came after him. 

We had a pretty cool experience with some investigators and a recent convert. They had both been praying for help with something and while they were praying we showed up at their door. I thought it was really cool. They told us it was really cool that they had their prayers answered that quick.

I sent a couple pictures of us eating a popular food in Chile. They take corn and blend it up and then boil it, and then put on top of onions, chicken, and olives and then bake it for awhile. I loved it. 

Well not much more this week. I sent an email to dad and talked to him about some other stuff. I love you guys and miss you all.

Con amor,
Elder Torgersen

PS. I want the ensign in Spanish and English. Also did you send two separate packages to me and Andrade? I don´t know how long i´m gonna be with him so hopefully you sent it in two.

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