Monday, March 12, 2012

Better Week

Hello Family!
Well this week was much better. I´m getting over my sickness and feeling much better. It was pretty rough for awhile there. We had lots of great things happen this week. So here we go...

Well first, I started my 4th cambio here in Linares. I´m still serving with elder Andrade. I´m excited to still be here in Linares. We should have some baptisms this month. We have a lady with a fecha for next Saturday so pray that it goes through and we don´t have any problems. 

Yes I did order some stuff off of the LDS online store. I had bought Raul and Raquel some Scriptures. That was a really cool experience. We were supposed to meet with them on Saturday but I had gotten sick. We met with them on Wed. I had just gotten their scriptures and were going to give them to them on Saturday but couldn´t because I was sick. I decided to give them to them on Wed. While we were meeting with them Raul decided to check his email. Right after I had given them their scriptures they opened an email with the form for Raquel's divorce. They are officially ready to be married and baptized. Within this month they should be ready to go. It was pretty awesome. I gave them a present and they got their divorce papers. They even made us pop open a bottle of bubbly (Cheap Chilean soda that´s as cheap as water.) and celebrate a little. I´m hoping they ask me to baptize them. Raul wants to get baptized in a River. 

This week was full of random acts of service and random gifts. We were waiting at a stop light and we looked behind us to see a guy in a car. He was one of the guys that was drives a car that is full of the fresh bread that they take to all of the nogotios. He waved and we waved back. Next he pulled up next to us and reached back and pulled out some bread. With out a word he bagged the bread and gave it to us. We said thanks and he drove off. It was really random but the bread was amazing.

This last Wed I received some really funny letters from some little cousins. I enjoyed reading them. Henry, Gracie, and Cash wrote me some letters and they were really funny. I enjoyed getting letters from them. I also got a letter from Aunt Kay. Make sure to give her a hug and a kiss. And tell her thanks for the money. I enjoyed her letter. It was a spiritual lift for the week. 

I got some good news yesterday. We were visiting a member that had had some problems with his knee. We found out that it was his daughter that had just had the little baby girl that was in the hospital with a blood disease when I first got here. We were supposed to go give a blessing but our bike broke and were 5 minutes too late. I found out the little girl is perfectly fine now. I should have gotten a pic with her because she is the cutest little girl. It made me happy to see that even though we didn´t get to the hospital in time to give her a blessing she was fine. 

The other day while on a mini cambio we saw a grandpa on a BMX bike with pegs and we just about died laughing. Here in Chile, anything goes. It is really quite funny.It's amazing what they can carry or how many people they can get on one bike. It´s amazing.

During my cambio I learned some great stuff. I am no longer the only gringo in my house which has been a whole lot better. His name is E´ Lulla.   On Friday we had a little cambio to mix things up a little. We had a lot of citas fall so we had lots of time to talk. First had a little venting session and then we started talking about how we can make this cambio better. My attitude and excitement had been completely drained. I hadn´t had a cambio in almost 2 months. He really helped me get excited and have a better attitude about things. He is really positive and I really look up to him. Both of our companions are Latin and a little different. We have decided that if we can be happy and excited while we have different or difficult companions it will be %100 better when you have an awesome comp. I really learned a lot about staying positive.
We read a talk by elder Ballard. It talks about thinking baptism 100 percent of the time. Think success = You will have success. I´m really trying to do that. 

The guy in the picture is Hermano Alberto. He is the brother we do service for. He is awesome. 

Not much has happened this week. I´ve never prayed so hard as I did on Sunday. My comp decided it was more important to go to a meeting with the ward before church than to go get investigators. I had been praying the whole ride to the church that one of our investigators would come to church. 15 minutes into church she finally came. She is now able to be baptized on Saturday. So hopefully it all goes well. 

I´ve got a little time today so it´s kinda short. Well, I love you guys and miss you tons. 

Con amor,
Elder Torgersen

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