Tuesday, October 2, 2012

September 24, 2012

¡Hola Amigos y Familia!

Muchas Gracias por todo esta semana. Muchas gracias por los regalos y cartas.

Well my birthday was actually pretty fun. I did end up getting one package. It had a bunch of Avengers stuff in it. with two ties. I called the office this last week and they said I had gotten two more, they just weren`t sure where they went. I ended up having to call a bunch of people to find out where they were. They ended up being in the house of my old Zone leaders house. I will get them tomorrow. 

 We had an activity in our branch and played a bunch of random chilean games. We ate a ton of meat and a lot of empanadas. It was so good. At our activity we ended up having 5 investigators and 2 less actives. It was really cool. We have been really blessed this week. Also the bishop from Los volcanes and his wife and little baby came to visit at the activity. I guess his wife is from here. Also another couple from Los Volcanes came to visit me at the activity. It was really cool being able to see them. Bishop Orellana (richy) says he missed me so he had to come visit. 

I had a mini cambio this last week with one of My Zone leaders. His name is Elder Bracken. His dad was the one that wrote the book I told you guys to go buy. He is an amazing missionary. We ended up teaching 6 lessons with 3 less active lessons in one day. It was crazy!

During our mini cambio we decided to visit a girl that her parents haven't given her permission to be baptized. We went to talk to her right after lunch and she said her parents would be home later in the night. We went through the day teaching and at 9:20, with 40 minutes left in the day, we decided to go by her house. We knocked on her door and her dad answered. He is a really big round guy with fingers that remind me of hot dogs. He is pretty big. We talked to him for a little and after he invited us inside. We started talking about how awesome his daughter is and how she really wants to get baptized. We convinced the dad and were waiting to convince the mom. All of a sudden the dad pulls out a bottle and asks us if we want jugo or juice. We didn`t want to offend him so we of course say yes. He gets us two shot glasses and fills them up with this ¨Juice¨. He tells us to drink it and I look at my ZL and he smells it and says ¨I think its alcohol.¨ We ask him if it is and he says no. We ask his wife and she says No. We ask the daughter and she also says No. We thought for sure it wasn`t. We took a sip and it tasted like juice but just a little different. We ended up drinking almost half of it and decided to put it back on the table. We later found out it was ¨Chicha¨ It is grape juice that they drink but within a few days it starts to turn to alcohol. It wasn`t straight alcohol but it was definitely starting to turn into it. THE GOODNEWS IS... We convinced her mom and she now has a fecha for October 15. Yes it is a monday... We let them choose they day. We now have to figure out how to do a baptism on a monday. We figured drinking a shot was worth getting her with a baptismal date. 

This week we had a total of 10 people with baptismal dates. But, 5 fell because they didn`t go to church. It was the best week we have had here so far. 

We were sitting in lunch on Friday and the hermana told us she had been sharing her testimony with her neighbor that just moved in. She said that here neighbor is really interested in the church and wanted to get to know it. We asked her neighbor if we could pass by after lunch and she told us yes. She has a son that is 11 that ended up coming to the activity. They were really excited and wanted to come to church. Only problem was we had a conference in Chillan. 45 minutes away. She said she would go if the hermana went. The hermana was basically crying when she heard what had happened. She told us she was going to do whatever she could to wake up early and get to the conference...BLAH BLAH BLAH. We passed by her house Sunday in the morning and her mom said she was working. Her son ended up walking out and told us that his mom was sleeping and didn`t want to wake up. I am just about fed up with lazy Chileans saying they will do something and then never do it. Especially when it has to do with salvation or the lords work. 

We visited a family this week and found out they were the first family to open this sector as a branch. The son was the Ex president and is now completely inactive. She has three sons that were all born into the church and only one served a mission. She is completely heartbroken and has no idea what to do. It really made me start to think... I really hope that I have made you guys proud with what I have done and with what I`m doing. She was really sad with what had happened with her sons. She felt like she had failed as a mother. We had passed by her earlier in the week and I ended up getting a feeling to ask her if she needed anything like a blessing she then told us yes and we gave her a blessing. A couple days later I passed by with our branch pres and she said that she was really wanting a blessing and when we gave her the blessing she felt like a huge rock was lifted off her back. It was really cool that god uses us to help other people.

I have felt a little alone this week. My comp gets really quiet and depressed and just gets into a mood and doesn`t want to do anything. He doesn`t want to talk about whats happening either. It is really hard trying to carry a Branch that is about to fall apart, trying to be a good senior comp, and trying to get people into the waters of baptism and then deal with a comp that always is talking about it old comp or isn`t talking at all. 

Tell Bailiegh not to worry. She lost from a girl that was 4 grades ahead of her. That`s pretty awesome she is playing against such older girls. Tell Ethan he needs to man up and quite being such a baby. Why didn`t anyone pay for me to take girls out? If someone was willing to pay for a lunch with a girl for me I`d have it done in a heartbeat. Tell him to man up and do it already. 

Well not much else this week. Love you all and miss you tons.

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