Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hello Friends and Family!!

Yes we have been dying of heat down here! It has been baking us. It has been so hot. It is really difficult to walk out of the house after lunch from sitting in front of a fan. 

We are so sick of the dog that we are seriously ready to kill it. It doesn´t matter if we throw rocks at it and yell at it... it still follows us. We don´t understand because it is blazing hot and the stupid thing still follows us. We have learned he doesn´t like water so we walk around with water bottles and throw it on him when he is following. 

This week went really well. It was kind of slow for us but we were able to have our 11th baptism. We have baptized every month since I have gotten here. It has been really awesome.

Our RC gave us a reference and he got baptized this last Saturday. We had him confirmed and the two other little kids. MP has asked that we save the two front rows in sacrament for our INVs. We had a family of three come yesterday and had them sit in front. It was really good because there was a bunch of crap happening behind them, kids crying, kids fighting, people talking and leaving every ten seconds. They said they loved church after. We ended up passing by their house and put them with a baptismal date. The daughter had a baptismal date with the adventista church. We were really excited because we walked in and now she has a different baptismal date in the true church. :) The mom loves us. We had a FHE with them the other day and she was busting up laughing. She said she didn´t know what it was about us but we are just crazy and full of energy and are always laughing and smiling. They loved  church though. They had a lot of questions and were wondering about the sacrament. 

I have one week left and I will be getting a new comp. There is a chance that I will either train a newby or get a new comp that will be able to take the sector over when I leave. I am really excited. I feel like I have been Kind of jipped off. I see all of the other leaders in the mission and they are with really good missionaries and are having success. and then here I am with a comp that doesn´t do anything, and i´m doing everything alone. I really hope President gets me a new comp that I get along with and really helps out. I´m so sick of having to just deal with comps instead of really get along with them like one of my friends. I kind of just put up with them until I leave or until they leave.

Elder Bracken is going home this next week. I´m really kind of bummed. He is the awesome ZL and now is leaving me with the one that is a jerk. We aren´t too excited about it. But I needed to send some stuff home and he said he is willing to take it in his bags. His parents are coming to get him and his dad is going to talk to the youth in the stake and the missionaries. He said that he is going to come by the house to meet you guys and bring the stuff by. 

I still haven't gotten the package from grandma. We had a conference this last Wed and didn´t get home until almost 10:00 at night. It was really good. 

Today we chilled with the two little kids we baptized the last week. We decided to go and buy water balloons and have a war in the street. There isn´t much to do here in Coihueco. haha but we had fun. We ended up going over to the INV´s that we have and tried to get them to come out of the house. They wouldn´t come out but the mom let us in a side garage thing and while they weren´t watching we drenched the kids. It was pretty funny. The mom absolutely loves us. She was busting up laughing when we got the kids. 

I know this week is going to be really long because all I´m going to be thinking about is getting a new comp. I´m really excited to get someone that can help me carry the load. 

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