Monday, July 16, 2012

New Companion!!!

Hello Friends and Family!
Well this week has been one of the best weeks in my mission. Tuesday, I met my new comp at the bus terminal. He was coming in from Talca about 2 hours away. His name is Elder Arroyo. It is really quite funny because he is about 6´4¨. I look tiny next to him. He grew up in Mexico in a city called Nogales that is right on the border, but lived in the U.S. for nine years for school. Whenever we have Conferences he is in charge on translating if it is needed. So basically he knows English. He´s about to kill me though... I have literally never worked so hard, walked so far, or taught so many lessons in one day. We get back to the house plan, and after I hit the bed and am dead tired.
Basically, my comp before lost the trust of everyone, even the Bishop. We have been trying to gain the trust back. Basically everyone was happy to see him go. Everyone knew he was chueco. It is nice to finally have a comp that is really good. He had been in the office with prez so I know that prez had to have trusted him. He is the District leader here so He´s got us working really hard.
I don´t know if I told you guys but we have a member that has a husband that for almost 13 years has hated the missionaries. About a month and a half ago he started coming to church with his wife and kids. The wife told us to hold off for a little while. Last week we had lunch with his family and after lunch kind of shyly he asked us if we could come by and teach him. He told us he wanted to be baptized. We have heard that this whole thing has been a miracle. Multiple people have told us that he hated the church and missionaries so bad that if he got home from work and they were there, he would kick them out. He is one of the nicest guys I have ever talked to. He owns a little vegetable store and we passed by the other day to say hi and ended up buying some food. What should have been about $8 he gave to us for about $2. We just found out that his daughter that was baptized, her registro is also missing from the computer. So... We are baptizing them both.
This whole week has just been really spiritual. Church was awesome, the bishop and his counselor gave to great talks that they didn´t know they were having to give. After church we did divisions with a couple priests in the ward. We were able to meet our contacts goal which was 140 right on the dot. We ended up teaching a ton of lessons and finding 14 people this week. This cambio is going to be great. We found out that none of the priests wanted to leave with us because none of them liked my old comp.
Well we found out they found Robinsons registro. Which means his daughter wasn´t going to be one of our baptisms. The Bishop said his registro still isn´t in the system so we can still baptize her this Saturday. The Bishop is really funny. If we end up coming back we have to come visit him and his family. He and his wife have the cutest little baby girl. I think I sent you guys a picture of them a couple weeks ago.
We have really sacrificed a lot this week. We have been walking almost 3 miles to get out to a newer part of the city to find people. I tried to tell my comp before that we needed to contact out there but he was too lazy to walk out there. Guess where we found the 14 news this week.

We found a girl that is pregnant that is really good. She has wanted to come to church but everytime she tries she gets sick. Please pray for her that she wont get sick and will make it to church this next sunday. Her name is Carolina.
Well I´ve gotta write prez. So I love you guys and miss you tons!
Con Amor,
Elder Torgersen

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