Monday, July 16, 2012

Here you go Joe

Hello Friends and Family!
Well, I dont have much time to write so this will be pretty quick. This week has been a little frustrating. The last week of the Cambio is always the worst. I´m usually sick of my companion and they are worthless because they know they are being changed. It has definitely been a long week.
We had a day this week that we contacted 25 houses straight and all my comp wanted to do was fight with the Catholics. It was a waste of time, I was ticked and it did us no good.
Our ward went to the Santiago temple last week and said they met a missionary that knew me. I have no idea who it is though. They couldn´t remember his name, they just said a tall gringo. I have no idea who it could have been.
We got a call from the DL this morning telling us the Cambios. I am staying in Los Volcanes, Chillán. I am getting a new comp though! WOO! His name is Elder Aroyo. You´ll have to tell Cristian I´m about to have another Mexican friend. My comp is coming from Talca which is about 2 hours away. I´ll meet up with him tomorrow morning in the Terminal. A couple cambios before E´ Aroyo was in the office. He is one of the better missionaries in the mission and he is quite tall so this will be pretty funny. I´m excited to work with him. I feel horrible about this last cambio because anything I tried to tell my comp he wouldn´t listen. We lost a lot of time in members and recent converts houses. We had a mini cambio about every week with the DL so he could kinda keep an eye on him. 
I have been a little frustrated this last week because of the whole losing time, worthless comp deal. Then to make things worse I had heard that my comp from the MTC was just called to be a Zone Leader. I´m trying not to be jealous or angry about it. I just feel I´ve kinda been jipped in my mission. The last two companions I have had have been kinda crappy and it really shows in our numbers and success.
We did receive good news that the sister missionaries got the mail and name tags back. Luckily, there wasn´t anything of real importance in it. But the last week at our District Class I did get a letter from Grandma Kratchen. I sent out a couple letters last week and I´m working on the last few. I´m sending a letter to you guys that has multiple letters in it. I just need you to throw a stamp on them and put them in the mail.
This last week we had lunch with a member that the husband has not wanted anything to do with the church. I guess before the missionaries had to hurry and eat because He didn´t even like them in the house. The husband has been going to church recently but the wife told us to hold off for a little while. Yesterday during lunch he told us that he wanted to be baptized. Hermana Yeny told us that it is a miracle that he is now wanting to get baptized. We are going to meet with him on wed. Pray that everything goes well.
We ate prietas the other day and i almost threw up. They sausages with meat soaked in blood with chopped onion. I think if we were to have eaten it at a different house it would have been better.
Well I dont have much more time. SO i will write more next week. Love you guys and miss you tons.
Con amor,
Elder Torgersen

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