Monday, November 28, 2011

Almost a month

Dear Family!

How is everyone doing? I´ve been here in Chile for almost a Month now. It has seemed to fly by. I cant believe it! 

Well, it sounds like Thanksgiving was a success. We didn´t even really do anything. We had meetings with President and his wife. I absolutely love them. They are hilarious. His wife is so funny. President Humphrey is a great Mission President. I´ve learned a lot from them. His wife cracks me up though. She´s pretty funny. We had interviews on Thursday so we took the 1 hour bus ride into Parral. We go there every week for district class. We had a quick training and meeting, met with president and then left. We didn´t get back to Linares till after lunch so we went to the market and got free lunches. (i´ll send a pic of what we ate for ¨thanksgiving dinner¨) We left a tip and in the tip I left a couple quarters. The other elders thought it was pretty funny. 

I´m excited for next month. We have a member in our ward that owns a greenhouse. She is going to give us a mini Christmas tree and she also is going to give us a mini cactus. I´m pretty excited for that. We will most likely be able to Skype. I don´t know how you guys will do that but we will be able to. The others elders in the house got 3 tubs of Cherries. We have all been eating cherries for the past week. They are amazing! We are all obsessed! The food is usually pretty bland. The fruit is by far the best. We eat a lot of potatoes and bread. They have freshly made pan at every corner store. We can get four things of pan, 4 pieces of cheese and ham and a drink for like a $1.75. Its so simple but i love them. 

This past week we ran out of propane for our showers. No one had money so I had to take money out of my account. Don´t worry mom, Its reimbursable. I had to pay for it with my own money. I turn in the receipt and i get money back in like a week. One of the elders in the house went a solid week taking cold showers because we didn´t tell him we bought gas. It was pretty funny. 

I´m starting to get accustomed to the culture down here. Its funny because Chileans have sayings that are only in Chile. They have a word they say before they do something that could be rude. It´s like an ¨excuse me¨. They say ¨permiso¨. I really like it because if elder Teske has something I need I just say ¨permiso¨ and then take it. Its really a handy word. We also say it when people´s gates are unlocked. We open the gate, say permiso and walk in. Also if i ever have a hard time finishing a meal Elder Teske always tells the person. ¨Elder Torgersen tiene una guatita chicatita¨ (you say it like watita. but it basically means stomach.) They have random sayings or words like this. Baby is also wawa. its so weird.´
A bunch of the members and investigators keep calling me Justin Bieber. It´s kinda annoying.

This week I had 2 mini Cambios with the other elders in our house and also with the zone leader. I had to work with the Latin companion that they have been having trouble with. I learned a lot because i could only speak in Spanish. Working with him wasn´t bad, but when he´s at the house he´s freaking annoying. I´ve told Elder Teske and he told me there was a 100 percent chance he is leaving this cambio. I´ve kinda just put up with his crap until he leaves. We needed to have two investigators interviewed for baptism. It was a mom and daughter named Marilyn and Evalyn. We have been teaching them since I got here. They got baptized on Sunday and Elder Teske Baptized them. It was really cool. I was so excited.

We are still waiting for the divorce for Raul and Raquell. I love these two. They are an older couple and are really funny. They should be having their baptism on the 24 or 25. We also have 2 others. They are a couple that are really interested. They have so many questions. Their names are Gustavo and Dina. They are amazing. They have a fecha for the 24 of diciembre. I´m hoping that it goes as planned with them. After one of the lessons with Gustavo he basically told us he was really thankful for us leaving our families for two years to do service for the church and for the people of Chile. He said that even though we communicate through emails its not the same. He was so grateful for us. It was awesome. 

I was wondering if you guys could send me some music. We can only listen to Church music and stuff like it. I was wondering if you could send me some MOTAB, and other music. Also talk to Chris and see if he can send me some Living Scriptures DVD´s. If he can it would be awesome. We have wanted to use videos to help teach but we don´t have any. I would also like something to keep little kids entertained while teaching the parents. Cartoon scriptures would be perfect. 

Well we´ve got to go finish some stuff so i will write next week. I love you all and miss you tons.´

Con Amor,
Elder Torgersen

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