Monday, April 8, 2013

General Conference!!

Hello Friends and Family!

Well how is everyone? How was Conference weekend? Conference weekend is always like a spiritual recharge. This week was a lot of fun.

Well this morning we woke up at about 7:00 to go to the church to make about 65 pieces of french toast. I was Chef Torgersen today. We decided we were going to do a Zone activity. We played soccer and made french toast. It was really good. We each had about 6 slices. We ate them with syrup and manjar (basically caramel) They were amazing and all the Latins loved them. 

This last week we had a missionary leave from our ward to go to Mexico City for his mission. He ended up getting his visa earlier than expected. He needed Dollars quickly and I had a $180 I ended up trading dollars for pesos. Hope that´s alright. His mom was freaking out. He still had at least a week or so until he had to go. He was really worried... He was asking us all kinds of questions. His farewell thing was really spiritual.

This last week we passed by the family Cantero. They had been really struggling. We could tell they had been through a lot this past couple weeks. While we were there the mom got a call from the husband and she asked who was going to buy bread... Luckily for us there was a negotio right below their house. We ended the lesson, ran down stairs, bought a kilo of bread. And booked it up the stairs. As we are running up the stairs we walk into the son that is walking in to his house. We talked to him and hid the bread. He walked in and we waited a couple minutes. I run up the stairs, basically hit the door with the bread and tied it to the door knob. We then booked it back down the stairs. We are really excited to see what they say. 

We were really excited about conference this weekend. It was a great chance for us to get people to church and listen to the prophets voice. We ended up having a lot of success getting people to church as a zone. We had a lot of people that got to hear the prophet and hear his testimony. We had a INV get to church and find a friend she had from when she was like 15 that she hadn't seen in about 30 years. It was really cool because as we were walking in she asked about this guy and we told her we didn´t know him. She said he was a Mormon and served a mission and she lost contact with him. After the conference guess who she runs into. We are hoping to get him into helping us by getting her baptized. It was a small miracle that we saw this week. 

Well Conference was awesome. We ended up watching all the sessions in the high counsel room with the big wooden desk and cushy chairs. We all took lots of notes and President came to Priesthood session and He and his wife came to the session on Sunday with us. Hrna Humphrey ended up making us all chocolate chip cookies. I feel like the Zones around Conce are Babied. It´s kind of sad. It is amazing and really funny that 8 gringos in a room alone can stay absolutely silent for two hours while taking notes. It was a really spiritual experience. 

We just had a kid finish his mission today. His name is Richard Stowe. He is from Cedar hills, highland area. He was really worried. He looked like he was in shock the whole time. He couldn´t believe he was going home. It was really weird to see all of that go down. My comp will finish this Cambio and then two Later I will. It is really crazy to think how fast it is going by. 

I just want to thank you guys for all the time and money spent daily to help me. I really can feel your prayers. Thank you for supporting me while I´m out here. I know that we are all receiving the blessings, even if we might not be able to see them right now. 

Well I had numbers today so I don´t have much time. Love you all and miss you tons. Thanks for everything. 

Elder Torgersen 

P.S. I did get the packages. In fact we had to go into the office on Saturday and I got the package with all the candy in it. I was able to eat a little Easter candy during conference. :)

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