Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hola Fam!
How is everyone doing? This week so far has been a lot better. How has everything been at home? I´m glad moms talk went great. I´m glad everyone decides to take cool vacations once i´m gone. ´´Oh yeah we´re going to Disneyland or yeah we´re going to Romania.¨ Where were these thoughts before my mission. You guys better extend the vacation to Chile for 3 weeks. Sounds like every thing at home is fine.
I told a couple of the members and investigators that you guys want to come back for Christmas. They are all really excited and are saying I better do it. They keep telling me all the stuff we could do when we come back. Personally I think 3 weeks sounds better :).
Why does Ethan need a new motor cycle... he just inherited mine. He doesn´t need a new one. Tell him He needs to start working. He needs money for his mission and school. If i told you guys during the summer... ¨i´m going riding, or i´m going boating you guys would freak and call me lazy and say I need to work to get money for my mission. I think it´s about time you guys start hounding ethan about that kind of stuff.  Also tell Ethan I eat empanadas every Tuesday after District Class. They are so good!!! There´s a little store in Parral that we could go to to try them. The lady makes them from scratch every morning and sells about 30 every Tuesday to the missionaries.
But I don´t know whats going on with my reception with heavenly father. The reception must be bad here but this last week I lost my USB stick with a ton of pictures on it. Luckily I didn´t delete them off my camera yet but I still can´t find it. I have been praying that I find it but haven't had any success yet. So Mom if you could... Pray that I find it. because I think god listens to you more than anyone. Who knows maybe it´ll fall into your lap like everything else you pray for.
Well I have some good news and some bad news. Well to start off... bad news. This last wed we had interviews with president. I didn´t get my packages so I´m having to wait til the next conference or big meeting. Which means I´m with out a razor or Excedrin for another while. I did although receive the Valentines day Card. That was really funny. Apparently Chris loves me and so does Ainsley (since she wrote three different things) But question... what was the mama Kohlert about haha? A bunch of the Elders saw that and were questioning me.
President basically told me he put me with a Latin to learn Spanish. He told me that he knows it is difficult to have a Latin comp and that I´m to learn the language and learn patience. Okay now to vent a little....
This week was a little better than the last week with the other missionaries and my companion but we still had a couple problems. One of the elders spends a ton of time in the bathroom. He also uses all the toilet paper. I had just bought toilet paper and told them it was their turn to buy more and to buy gas for showers. They basically told us no and walked away. The whole week they wouldn´t tell us where our lunches were or the addresses. On Sunday I over heard them ask the bishop for the address of lunch on Sunday. We started walking to lunch and the other elders started to walk another way. I took off another way because I was sick of the crap from the others and walked a quicker way. My companion started yelling at me saying they didn´t know the address. I told him they knew where the house was and kept walking. My companion always says, ¨wow, en serio¨. It drives me nuts. He said ¨wow en serio Elder.¨ and that's just about where I blew up on him. I told them that they hadn´t told us anything throughout the week and now he´s worried about if they knew where lunch was. He called me a ¨stupid Child¨ and walked off. I have never had someone say something like that and get away clean without a scratch. It´s like working with someone like Ethan times 10. I´m surprised at how much patience it really takes to be a missionary. When we got to lunch, five minutes after the other elders showed up. My companion didn´t say anything after that. We have dumb disagreements like that almost every other day. I don´t feel like I do anything wrong and all of a sudden he´s crying about something. Latinos are so different than the gringo missionaries. It has definitely taken some time to get used to.
On Sunday my comp made us all sit down and settle everything and basically threw it all out on the table. We got every thing settled and now everything is running smoother at our house. Hopefully it continues that way.
I´ve learned that being a missionary is like juggling. If we focus on one ball (or a family) the other balls drop. This Sunday we focused on Eduardo and his family. We went to their house early Sunday morning and made pancakes to get them to church. While making pancakes, I made everything, cooked, and then cleaned up. My companion sat there complaining about every thing i was doing. I told him to go Call the other families and investigators and he just sat there. I wasn´t to happy. We ended up getting Eduardo and his family to church but we only had one other investigator in church because he didn´t call to remind. It´s so frustrating because we get one family to come to church and to progress but then the other families drop and don´t come to church.
Saturday I finally had to go and spend some money. I´m sorry but it rained ALL DAY. It was pouring rain all day. You should have seen how bad it was. I bought a rain coat that is really waterproof and it didn´t look to bad. We tried to buy one at a little street side store but they were all used and funky colors and weren´t very waterproof. By the night I was dripping wet. I sent a picture hopefully you can see it. We were soaking wet. Luckily I wrapped my stuff in plastic bags before.
Nothing too exciting happened this week. We did although get our fridge fixed. It hadn´t been working very well and now should at least keep our milk cold.
Well I love you guys. Miss you.
Con amor, Tu hijo
Elder Torgersen

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