Wednesday, October 5, 2011

General Conference

Hola familia y Amigos:

Que Tal? Como estan? I couldn’t wait to write to you about the great and spiritual weekend I had this Conference weekend. The past two days have been amazing! The spirit has been so strong. We woke up Saturday morning and got breakfast. The lines were packed with hundreds of missionaries. After getting breakfast we went into the gym 2 hours before Conference started. We had to go in that early in order to get seats. It’s kind of crazy. We got to watch each session of Conference. The schedule for the past two days was pretty much breakfast, Conference, lunch, Conference , dinner, Priesthood, district meeting, bed. For today it was pretty much the same except instead of Priesthood we had a fireside. I don’t know how I did it but can honestly say I stayed awake during every meeting. (Maybe because the chairs were really uncomfortable)

I took a total of 16 pages of notes. I thought I would share some of my favorite talks and thoughts. My favorite talk out of all of Conference has got to be Elder Holland’s during Priesthood session. He is so serious and straight up with his talks. I absolutely loved it. Some things he said during his that I enjoyed were “We are at war against good and evil. Satan is real. He is eternally opposed to the work of God. This whole talk was so strong and I encourage all of you to watch/read it. He then went on to compare this war to sports. He said, “ You cannot play for the adversary and then suit up for the Lord. STAY ON THE LORD’S TEAM!”  This talk was amazing! I loved every second of it. Another part that got me thinking was at some point he said, “In this family…we serve mission!” That got me to thinking about all of the people in our family that have served missions. It is a wonderful experience to be out here serving the Lord. In the words of Elder Holland, “ What could be better than serving the Lord.”

Another thing I was excited to hear about was that Provo was getting another temple. I personally think the Lord started the fire in the Provo Tabernacle so that another Temple could be built. It was exciting to hear about all of the new Temples that will be built.

I felt as if almost every talk has something for me in it. I didn’t realize how many notes I had taken. I definitely felt the spirit strong these past two days.
After the morning session today, we had a chance to go on a Temple walk. While outside the Temple we met a Hispanic family that had come from Oregon to go to Conference and to see the Temple. Our whole zone was sitting under a  tree when this family started to walk by. The look in all their faces was wonderful.  The way they looked at us missionaries was awesome. They gathered their  whole family and wanted pictures with us. We got a second to talk to the family and little kids in the language we are all trying to learn. The moment was awesome. One of my favorite Temple walks for me.
We went on for rest of the day watching Conference. We were all a little bugged that they were making us sit in an uncomfortable chairs all day and then sit through a fireside. That was up until we found out who was speaking. Chad Lewis came to speak to us about his mission and football. It was a cool talk and he told us some great things. He told us that on our missions we are going to end up with weird companions but guess what you’re a little weird too. It was great learning about him on his mission. 

At the end of the meeting we sang a special “Called To Serve.” I almost cry anytime we sing this song because the spirit of 2700 missionaries singing it is amazing. This time we sang a special one that we start off singing really quiet and by the end we are standing and singing loud. The spirit was so strong I can’t even explain how great it was.
I can’t remember who said it (half my notes are in my class) but they said, “ There’s nothing in the world that is better or could make you happier than the spirit.”
I would like to share with you all of my experience but I don’t have time. I want you all to know that I know the church is true. Nothing in the world could make us happier than the spirit. I know because I have felt it a lot here in the MTC. We are so blessed to have the gospel and the spirit is our lives. I know that Thomas S. Monson is a true prophet of God and so are all of his Apostles. I love you all and miss you tons.
                                                            Con Amor, Elder Torgersen

“Let us be quick to prayer as we are to text”
“Devote our time to the things that matter most!”

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