Monday, November 5, 2012

Hello Everyone:
Well how is everyone doing? We are now in the last week of the cambio. We will find out Sunday night/Monday morning if I will stay in Coihueco. My leaders told me the other day there is a really good chance I will stay and my comp will go. We never know. Anything could happen... But my ZL´s called last night to ask how many beds and tables we have in our house. There is a chance that we could have just opened this sector for 4 missionaries. There´s a chance they could split us up, put me with a new comp and put a sr comp with my comp right now. It would really help us out if there were four missionaries here. I´m really getting sick of everyone looking to me to do everything. Sundays are about to kill me. Everyone is always saying ¨Elder, Elder!¨ It´s never my comp it´s always me. And pens must not exist here... I have learned to buy crappy pens because people are constantly asking us for pens. I made the mistake to pass a pen to someone and next thing I knew they were gone. It drives me nuts. No one ever has pens.
Halloween here obviously isn´t what it is in the states. People put on costumes that were really cheesy and nobody did anything cool. Just basically walked around asking EVERYONE for candy. I say everyone because they were even asking us.... We had just left a house and were practically running to our next cita and a group of little punk kids says, ¨dulce o travesura¨ My comp gets the genius Idea to say ¨Travesura¨ In the mean time I´m talking on the phone with the recently returned missionary that is now our 2nd counsellor to see if he can come with us this week to a lesson. Next thing I know I feel something hard hit my shoulder blade. I turn around and a little kid chucked an egg at me. Luckily it didn´t break. But... the little kid picks it up and hucks it again. This time hitting my backpack... Egg shatters getting my backpack, back, legs, and the backs of my arms covered in egg. There was a young kid that is a member walking by at the same time and he chased the kid down... I don´t know what happened to the kid but a lot of people saw it happen and yelled at the little kid. We walked into a negotio or little store and asked if they had any paper towels. The guy working there said if it had been him he would have chased him down and beat the crap out of him... lets just say that was the edited version of what he said. ha ha
This last week I decided that since door to door contacts wasn´t working we would call some old numbers in our phone. I called a couple people and some of them had really dumb excuses or just hung up on us. Then I called a girl named Fabiola. I told her we had a lot of numbers in our phone from people that were sharing with the missionaries and we would like to pass by her house. She basically then say´s ¨elder wait wait. I´ve been a member for a long time... I´ve been baptized and even sealed in the temple. I then find out that it is the sister of our president... the sister that was in Los Volcanes. The family that I got to know really well. Her brother is the handicapped kid that would pass the sacrament in Los Volcanes.  She had a good laugh but was glad to hear we were doing good here in Coihueco.
Last Monday the leaders in the mission had a meeting with the MP. I guess during this meeting he talked about stepping up and working harder. I guess he used me as an example in the meeting with all the ZL´s and DL´s. My ZL and DL said that president is freaking out about how much success we are having here. MY ZL´s told me... I have no idea what you are doing but president pretty much loves you right now. This last week we focused on Less actives and Members and we got a family and 2 other people to church along with 4 INV´s. We got the church attendance from 35 to 55 this last Sunday. It was awesome. The MP and the Asistontos are really excited with the work we have done.
We found a LA (less active) member this week and she asked us If we could baptize her two sons... We told her... ¨umm let us think about it for a second... YES!¨ only problem is her youngest son is only 7 but turns 8 in March. We are going to talk to her about baptizing the 12 year old first and wait for the next son.
We had a costume party in church on Friday and we invited a lot of LA´s and INV´s we got bunch of crap because we were celebrating the birthday of Satan... blah blah blah. We ended up playing really funny games, the members danced (while we sat and watched) and then ate food and drank soda the members and our INV´s had a blast. It was really fun. Except for the dance... Since we couldn´t do anything.
This last Sunday was AWESOME!! With the success we had with numbers and the people that came. Daniella the RC of about 3 weeks got up and gave her testimony. It was AWESOME. She was a little nervous but she got up and bore her testimony like a pro. Me and my comp both looked at each other with surprised looks.
Well, we should have another baptism this next week and we are trying to figure out what is going on with Ricardo. He comes to every activity and church every Sunday but is really having a hard time with his family. He is 25 years old and I guess his family is really bugging him about going to church and everything. We are going to meet with him on Thursday with a member and try to get him baptized this month. Sister Humphrey said we need to be loving but really firm and open with him. Pray that our meeting with him goes well.
The drunk guy that kicked me is in jail right now. I thought I told you guys. He got picked up by the carabineros and is now in jail for 3 months.  Still haven´t gotten Halloween packages. I already ordered G´s, don't need more.
This week we are going to focus on finding more people to teach. We had to drop a couple families that weren´t progressing.
Well thank you all for everything. Love you all and miss you tons.
Elder Torgersen

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